Golf BasicsGrip

Long Thumb Golf Grip: A Simple Way to Improve Your Swing

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Golf may seem like a simple game – hit the ball into the hole in as few strokes as possible. But any experienced golfer knows it takes proper technique and practice to develop a consistent, effective swing. One component that ...

Golf may seem like a simple game – hit the ball into the hole in as few strokes as possible. But any experienced golfer knows it takes proper technique and practice to develop a consistent, effective swing. One component that can have a major influence on your swing mechanics and performance is your grip. Selecting the right grip and hand positioning is crucial for optimizing control, power, and accuracy.

Recently, a grip technique called the long thumb golf grip has been garnering attention among amateur and professional golfers seeking to enhance their skills. This unique grip involves extending your left thumb lower down the club handle compared to a traditional overlapping or interlocking grip. Though a subtle modification, the long thumb grip can provide a range of benefits that lead to noticeable improvements on the course.

By positioning the left thumb in this manner, golfers can promote increased hinge in their wrist during the backswing. This augmented wrist hinge enables you to generate more clubhead speed on the downswing. Greater speed means longer distance on drives and shots into the green. The long thumb grip also shifts the grip focus to the fingers rather than the palms. This light, fingertip control of the club enhances your ability to square the clubface at impact. Squaring the clubface is essential for striking the ball cleanly and minimizing sidespin that can cause slices and hooks.

Additionally, the long thumb placement supports proper wrist hinging action throughout the swing. The thumb acts as a stable fulcrum point beneath the grip to facilitate ideal wrist movement. This produces a more dynamic, powerful swing overall. For golfers dealing with limitations in flexibility or wrist mobility, the long thumb grip can provide a practical solution to increase their range of motion.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn all about the mechanics and benefits of adopting the long thumb golf grip. We’ll cover the basics of how to implement this grip correctly in your own game. You’ll also discover tips for maximizing its advantages through complementary techniques and equipment. Whether you’re just starting out in golf or a seasoned player looking to enhance your skills, the long thumb grip presents a simple method to gain more consistency and control on the course. Read on to add this useful tool to your golfing toolbox!

Understanding the Mechanics

What is the Long Thumb Golf Grip?

The long thumb grip is a modified way of holding the golf club that involves extending your left thumb lower down the handle compared to a traditional grip. Rather than gripping the club primarily in your palms, the long thumb grip promotes positioning the club more in your fingers.

To use this grip, place your left hand on the club with your thumb angled diagonally down the handle. The thumb should rest around 2 inches below the pointer finger. Allow your right hand to grip the club normally, overlapping or interlocking your pinky finger with the left index finger. Keep all grip pressure light and avoid squeezing the club tightly in your palms.

This long thumb adaptation contrasts with the commonly taught overlapping, interlocking and baseball grips. In these traditional styles, the left thumb typically rests right at the top of the handle. The long thumb grip shifts this thumb placement lower for enhanced results.

Key Differences from Traditional Grips

There are a few key differences between the long thumb grip and more standard grip techniques:

Focuses on Fingers Rather Than Palms

By extending the thumb down the handle, the long thumb grip transfers pressure points from the palm to the fingers. This gives your fingers increased control and sensitivity for guiding the clubface.

Promotes an All-Fingers Approach

With all four fingers able to access the grip, an all-finger hold develops. This gets the entire hand involved in controlling the club rather than just the bottom fingers.

Thumb Sits Slightly Right of Center

The left thumb position is slightly off-center to the right rather than directly in the middle of the shaft. This alignment amplifies the hinging motion in the wrists.

Adjusting these subtle elements in your grip position can make a noticeable difference in your swing technique, ball striking, and shot shaping. Read on to learn about the many benefits this long thumb adaptation provides.

Advantages of the Long Thumb Grip

Optimized Wrist Hinge

One of the main benefits of the long thumb golf grip is facilitating an enhanced wrist hinge during the backswing. With the thumb extended down the handle, your wrist can hinge back further before making contact with the club. This allows for greater wrist cocking on the backswing.

The wrist hinge is essential for generating power in the golf swing. Cocking the wrists fully on the backswing stores power as torque in your arms and body. This energy is then released on the downswing for increased clubhead speed. The long thumb grip helps you maximize your wrist hinge for more powerful shots.

Increased Swing Amplitude and Speed

In addition to the wrist hinge, the long thumb grip also enables a larger shoulder turn and greater amplitude in the backswing. The grip’s mechanics give your hands and wrists increased flexibility to stretch further back. This expanded rotational range of motion equates to higher potential clubhead speed coming down.

More swing amplitude leads to more speed. According to biomechanical studies, maximum clubhead speed is achieved when the wrists are fully cocked and the shoulders rotate to their maximum point. The long thumb grip allows your body to reach its ideal swing geometry for generating speed.

Enhanced Ball Striking

Proper clubface control is crucial for striking the golf ball solidly and accurately. The positioning of the left thumb in the long thumb grip plays an important role in regulating the clubface angle throughout the swing.

With the thumb placed diagonally down the grip, the clubface will square more easily at impact. This leads to cleaner contact and straighter shots. Golfers who struggle with slices, pulls, or inconsistent ball striking can benefit from the improved clubface control this grip provides.

Other Benefits

Beyond increased speed and better ball-striking, the long thumb grip offers additional advantages:

  • Flexibility – Golfers dealing with wrist, elbow, or shoulder mobility restrictions can use the long thumb grip to increase their range of motion in the swing. The grip enables a fuller backswing despite physical limitations.
  • Speed – For players looking to add yardage off the tee, this grip can help them swing faster. The enhanced wrist hinge and flexibility boosts clubhead speed.

Implementing the Long Thumb Grip

Now that you understand the mechanics and benefits of the long thumb golf grip, let’s cover how to properly hold the club using this technique. Learning to properly hold the golf club using the long thumb grip takes some adjustment. But with deliberate practice and checking your form, it can soon become natural in your game. Follow these steps to adopt the long thumb grip into your swing:

Setting Up the Initial Grip

When first gripping the club, start by positioning your left hand. Place the handle diagonally across your palm so your thumb can extend 2-3 inches below your left index finger. Keep your wrist hinged back rather than flattening your palm against the shaft.

Wrap your remaining fingers around the grip while maintaining this diagonal thumb placement down the club. Avoid squeezing too forcefully – focus grip pressure on the fingers rather than the palms.

Now add your right hand by gripping over the left thumb. The palms should fuse together comfortably. Interlock or overlap your right pinky over the space between your left index and middle finger. Check that both thumbs point down the back of the grip in the proper long thumb position.

Importance of Proper Pressure

Avoid holding the club too tightly with the long thumb grip. Keep your grip pressure light and relaxed. Gripping too firmly restricts wrist movement and swing speed.

Settle into a comfortable hold where the clubface feels stable but your hands have room to hinge and rotate during the swing. You should not feel like you are choking the grip. Finding this optimal pressure point will take some experimentation.

Practicing the Motion

When first implementing the long thumb grip, begin practicing on the driving range. Take half-swings back and through to get a feel for the new hand positioning. Slowly build up to full swings as it starts to feel more natural. Pay attention to proper wrist hinging and clubface control.

Expect some inconsistency initially as you adjust to the new grip. Stick with it through the early adjustment phase. Check your grip positioning periodically throughout practice and make minor corrections until the alignment feels solid.

Analyzing Your Form

Recording yourself on video and using a mirror can help analyze if you have the long thumb grip down correctly. Study elements like thumb placement, wrist hinging, and clubface angle in captured footage of your swing. Look for proper form based on the grip’s mechanics.

Consider taking a lesson with a golf pro to get in-person feedback on your technique. They can validate your hand positioning and eyeball any issues.

Implementing on the Course

When ready to use the long thumb grip on the course, start by only using it for shorter wedge shots. This allows you to ease into the technique in a real-game situation. Once you’ve dialed it in through practice and gotten comfortable, expand to using it for fuller shots and drives.

Stay patient through early struggles with the new grip. With consistent practice and checks for proper form, the long thumb will soon transform your ball striking, power, and consistency.

Maximizing the Long Thumb Grip

To get the most out of the long thumb golf grip, it helps to align other elements of your game accordingly. Certain techniques and equipment pair well with this grip. It also takes practice to troubleshoot common issues that may arise.

Complementary Techniques

Some complementary grip styles and swing mechanics that maximize the long thumb’s advantages include:

  • Ten Finger Grip – Using all ten fingers in your grip rather than interlocking or overlapping pinkies promotes maximum finger control of the club.
  • Strong Grip – Rotating both hands slightly clockwise encourages proper wrist hinging and prevents a weak grip slice.
  • Stack and Tilt Swing – This swing method’s principles of weighted toes and forward spine tilt maintain grip angles.
  • One Plane Swing – Swinging more upright with little wrist breaks suits the vertical nature of the long thumb grip.
  • Putter Style – Mallet and heel-toe weighted putters complement the long thumb’s finesse and wrist reliance.

Blending these complementary techniques into your game can enhance the effectiveness of the long thumb grip.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When adapting to the long thumb grip, some common issues include:

Overactive Hands

The increased wrist hinge can sometimes lead to too much hand action during the swing. This causes inconsistent contact and directional mis-hits.

Drill – Swing with your elbows pinned to your sides to get the feeling of keeping hands quiet and eliminate extra wrist movement.


The grip can promote an open clubface causing slices if the trail thumb points too far left at the top of the swing.

Fix – Ensure both thumbs point more down the shaft rather than angling left prior to the downswing.

Loss of Distance

Players may lose power initially as they find their optimal grip pressure and get used to the enhanced wrist hinge.

Tip – Perform wrist strengthening exercises with hand weights and resistance bands to build hinge power.

With deliberate practice, these common issues fade away as the proper thumb placement and motions become ingrained. Refine elements like grip pressure and thumb direction through trial and error. Recording your swing on video helps analyze the form. The long thumb enables power and consistency once mastered.


As we’ve covered in this comprehensive guide, adopting the long thumb golf grip can provide a range of benefits for your swing technique and overall game. This grip, which extends the left thumb lower down the club handle, enables golfers to maximize wrist hinge, generate more power, control the clubface better, and enhance their ball striking.

One of the key advantages is the optimized wrist hinge that the long thumb facilitates. Proper hinging of the wrists on the backswing stores power as torque that can boost clubhead speed significantly. The long thumb’s positioning allows for a greater cocking of the wrists at the top of the backswing. This leads to more powerful and longer shots.

In addition to added hinge, the long thumb grip increases overall swing amplitude and flexibility. The adjusted hand positioning enables a fuller shoulder turn and an expanded range of motion in the backswing. This increased rotational freedom allows greater potential clubhead speed on the downswing for enhanced distance.

Better ball striking is another notable benefit. The long thumb positioning promotes actively using the fingers to control the subtle face angles and wrist positions that affect impact. This finessed control leads to crisp, consistent contact that minimizes mishits, slices, and hooks.

For golfers dealing with limitations in flexibility or mobility due to age or injuries, the long thumb grip can provide a practical solution to boost their swing capacity. The grip alleviates tension in the hands and arms, creating a freer motion. This allows golfers to swing smoother within their physical restrictions.

Implementing this grip takes practice and patience as you adapt your swing mechanics and pressure points. But with deliberate training and form checks, it can soon feel natural and automatically enhance your ball striking. Complementary techniques like a ten finger grip, one plane swing, and weighted putters maximize the long thumb’s effectiveness.

In summary, this unconventional left thumb positioning delivers measurable improvements in wrist hinge, swing speed, accuracy, and flexibility. If you are looking to take your golf game to the next level, adopting the long thumb grip provides a simple yet high-impact adjustment. Pay attention to proper hand positioning and pressure, train deliberately on the range, and stick with it through the initial adjustment phase. You’ll soon be shaping shots and dialing in distance control like never before on the course.

Andrew is a 38 year old golf enthusiast turned instructor from Chicago. For the past 7 years he has offered private golf lessons, helping students refine their skills. Andrew shares his passion for golf through instructional articles for

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