GripGolf Basics

The Ultimate Guide to the 10 Finger Golf Grip

In this Article

The 10 finger golf grip is a popular yet often misunderstood way to hold the club. This guide teaches proper hand placement, grip pressure and setup for maximizing the benefits. Learn who can gain more power, control and reduced wrist strain from adopting this grip style. Get tips for an easy transition from overlapping, interlocking or baseball grips.

As an amateur golfer, I’ve tried my hand at various grip styles over the years in hopes of improving my game. A while back, probably 5 or so years ago, I first gave the 10 finger golf grip a shot on the recommendation of a playing partner. At the time, I didn’t have high expectations and ended up abandoning it after a few rounds. But recently I decided to revisit the 10 finger grip and give it another fair try. After spending some time practicing with it, I’ve found it really does offer some advantages that my previous overlapping grip did not.

When I first gripped the club with all 10 fingers years ago, it felt foreign and uncomfortable. However, this time around, I focused on truly perfecting the technique. With the club nestled in the palms and all fingers wrapped around, I immediately sensed greater stability and control. My practice swings felt more fluid and balanced.

Within just a couple of range sessions, I noticed improved ball-striking and extra yards. Drives were launching higher with less curve or hooking. As my hands are on the smaller side, being able to leverage my whole palm and all fingers for grip pressure helped unlock more power in my swing.

While the 10 finger grip hasn’t completely transformed my game, it has provided subtle yet noticeable benefits. My drives have gotten longer and more accurate. Shots feel more solid and controlled. There’s still plenty of room for improvement with my transition, but so far, I’m liking what the 10 finger grip is doing for my amateur game.

For other mid to high handicap golfers looking for a little edge, implementing the 10 finger technique may help sharpen your skills. In the following sections, I’ll share proper form, benefits and tips so you can decide if switching to a 10 finger golf grip is right for your game too.

What is the 10 Finger Golf Grip?

The 10 finger golf grip is a style of gripping the club where all 10 fingers wrap around the handle of the club. As the name suggests, it utilizes the entire hand – including all fingers and the palm – to hold and control the golf club.

This grip is also sometimes referred to as the “baseball” or “overlapping” grip due to the hands being in a similar position as if you were holding a baseball bat. However, the 10 finger golf grip has some key differences in hand placement and grip pressure compared to baseball or softball swings.

With a 10 finger golf grip, both palms face each other on opposite sides of the shaft. The lead hand is placed so the palm faces down toward the ground. The trailing hand wraps over the lead hand with the palm facing up. All 10 fingers and both palms completely encircle the grip, providing maximum surface contact.

This contrasts with both the interlocking and overlapping golf grips. In an overlapping grip, the pinky finger of the trailing hand sits atop the space between the index and middle finger of the lead hand. With an interlocking grip, the pinky finger of the lead hand interlocks with the index or middle finger of the trailing hand.

The 10 finger grip forgoes any kind of finger linking or overlapping. Both hands work in unison as if fused together around the club. This provides a very stable, connected sensation through the swing.

Origins and History

The origins of the 10 finger golf grip can be traced back to the beginnings of the sport itself. As golf grew in popularity in Scotland and England in the 15th century, players would naturally grip clubs with all fingers and palms using what was essentially a primitive form of the 10 finger technique.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, as golf instructors began analyzing swing mechanics, other specialized grip styles emerged. Harry Vardon popularized the overlapping grip, while James Braid favored the interlocking grip.

Despite new grips gaining prominence, the traditional 10 finger grip still had many adherents. Legendary players like Walter Hagen and Arnold Palmer used the baseball-style 10 finger grip throughout their careers.

While never becoming the dominant grip at the professional level, the 10 finger has remained popular with amateurs for its simplicity and accessibility. Generations of new golfers instinctually held clubs in their hands’ natural position – with all 10 fingers wrapped around the handle.

In recent decades, there has been renewed interest in the merits of the 10 finger from both teachers and tour players. Some instructors believe it allows golfers to utilize the body’s proper biomechanics for creating power. Pros like Paul Azinger and Rocco Mediate have adopted the 10 finger later in their careers and praised its performance benefits.

The 10 finger may never supersede overlapping or interlocking grips among elite players. But for average golfers, its natural feel and advantages for certain swing styles keep it a viable, competitive grip option. As we’ll explore next, it offers compelling benefits that warrant consideration by most amateurs looking to improve their game.

Benefits of the 10 Finger Golf Grip

In my testing of the 10 finger golf grip, I’ve discovered several advantages that have improved different aspects of my game. While it takes time to fully adjust to a new grip, the benefits I’ve experienced make it worthwhile to stick with the transition. Here are the main upsides I’ve noticed after adopting a 10 finger grip.

First and foremost, this grip has added noticeable power and distance to my shots. By leveraging the full palm and fingers of both hands, I can create more clubhead speed. The wider gripping surface area allows me to grip the club firmly without tension. This helps generate effortless power through the ball.

On drives where I make solid contact, I’ve picked up an extra 10-15 yards compared to my old overlapping grip. And I no longer feel hand or wrist pain on aggressive swings, thanks to reduced strain.

Beyond added distance, the 10 finger golf grip has also improved control and stability. With all 10 fingers securing the club, there is virtually no twisting on off-center hits. I used to struggle with hooks and slices due to an open or closed clubface. But with this grip, poor strikes still travel relatively straight with less curve.

My hands now work together as a single unit, preventing the clubface from manipulating at impact. Consistent contact has led to better accuracy and more fairways hit.

Additionally, this grip is ideal for golfers with smaller hands. Since there is no overlapping or interlocking of the fingers, those with shorter fingers or palms can still achieve full contact. I have fairly average-sized hands for a male but know many women and juniors who swear by the 10 finger grip.

For beginners, adopting this grip early on can ingrain proper form. It eliminates the difficulty of linking fingers or positioning the trailing hand perfectly. The 10 finger allows anyone to grip the club based on an intuitive feel rather than a precise technique. This helps accelerate the learning curve.

I’ve also found I can achieve faster swing speeds using all 10 fingers. With each hand reinforced by the other in a natural baseball hold, I can swing aggressively with balance and tempo. The grip minimizes hand action, allowing proper rotational force to be applied.

Finally, this grip puts less strain on the wrists compared to overlapping or interlocking grips. The even distribution of pressure across all fingers and palms reduces stress points. Those with wrist injuries or arthritis may find this grip more comfortable.

via: SwingSurgeonGolf

While power and control are the two biggest advantages, properly utilizing those advantages requires proper form:

Increased Power

To generate maximum power, focus on maintaining full palm-to-palm contact throughout the swing. This allows the hands to hinge and unhinge naturally, building speed. Avoid gripping too tightly – firm but relaxed pressure is best. This allows the wrists to fully cock on the backswing.

Control and Stability

The key to control with this grip is keeping the clubface square using body rotation – not wrist action. Let the shoulder turn pull the arms and club into a fluid motion. With both hands working as one solid unit, manipulation of the clubface decreases dramatically.

Good for Small Hands

Those with smaller hands should allow the fingers to wrap slightly diagonally across the palms. This eliminates empty space by covering the maximum surface area. Don’t squeeze too tightly – use just enough pressure to keep the club secure. Proper form will provide ample grip stability.

The 10 finger golf grip may require adjustments, but the benefits can outweigh any early struggles. Be patient, focus on proper technique, and allow your body to adapt to this more natural holding position. With practice, the increased power, control and reduced strain will help improve your golf game.

Benefits of the 10 Finger Golf Grip

The 10 finger golf grip comes with several advantages that can help improve different aspects of any golfer’s game. While adopting any new grip takes patience and practice, the potential benefits make it worth consideration.

Increased Power

One of the main upsides of the 10 finger grip is increased power, especially off the tee. Having all 10 fingers and both palms in contact with the grip allows golfers to make use of their hands’ full strength potential. When swung fluidly, this grip can unlock hidden yardage through greater clubhead speed.

That said, be patient when making the transition. Properly harnessing the power of this grip requires ingraining the right mechanics. Focus on maintaining light, even pressure between the palms and across the fingers. Let the shoulders and core generate speed while minimizing excessive hand action. If done correctly, the 10 finger grip can lead to lower ball spin and longer drives.

Control and Stability

In addition to added distance, the 10 finger position promotes tremendous control and stability through impact. With both hands fully supporting one another in a baseball-style hold, clubface manipulation is reduced. Golfers will notice less twisting on off-center hits.

Although mis-hits still go offline, they won’t curve left or right as severely. The clubface stays square to the target for a longer period, resulting in shots that fly relatively straight. For those struggling with hooks and slices, this grip can provide an instant remedy.

Proper body rotation is key for precision. Let the shoulders and core pull the club into the ball as the hands work as a single unit. This limits twisting while keeping the face aligned to the target for consistent contact.

Good for Small Hands

Unlike overlapping or interlocking grips, the 10 finger golf grip allows those with smaller hands to achieve full contact. With all fingers extended diagonally and no linking required, even petite hands can completely encircle the club.

Gripping too forcefully overcompensates for hand size, and costing control. Find the optimal pressure – firm but not tight – to maximize surface contact. Consider regripping clubs with slimmer handles or build-up undergrips to fit your hand profile.

While the 10 finger grip isn’t strictly just for small hands, it certainly provides an advantage for many women, seniors, juniors and other golfers with thinner fingers or compact palms. Proper fitting and intelligent practice give the opportunity to pick up valuable extra yards.

Proper Technique for the 10 Finger Golf Grip

Adopting the 10 finger golf grip provides potential benefits, but only if utilized with proper form. Here are some key areas to focus on for optimal grip, setup, swing motion, and follow-through when using this style.

Gripping the Club

The foundation of a sound 10 finger golf grip is hand placement. Start by positioning the lead hand so the palm faces down toward the ground when holding the club. The fingers should wrap comfortably around the handle.

Then take your trail hand and grip over the lead so the palms fit together in a baseball hold. The key is making sure the palms make full, even contact. All 10 fingers should curl naturally into place around the back side of the grip.

Grip pressure is also important. Hold the club firmly but not too tightly. Finding the right tension takes experimentation – you want snugness without tension hindering wrist hinge. The club should sit in the fingers, not the palms. Weight the pressure between the three middle fingers of each hand.

Body Positioning

Proper setup alignment is critical for maximizing the 10 finger golf grip. Align your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly flexed for balance. Posture should be athletic – chest up, slight bend at the hips.

Distribute weight evenly between the balls of both feet. Resist swaying during the swing by keeping head still. Maintain the angle of the spine by limiting lower body lateral movement.

Backswing and Follow Through

A smooth, controlled backswing keeps the clubface square using a 10 finger grip. Let the arms hang at address then lift the club using the shoulders during takeaway. Keep wrists cocked at the top, with arms folded into sides.

Shift weight forward during downswing by turning hips and core back through impact. Time the wrist unhinging so club contacts ball before hands pass the body. Extend arms out towards the target after striking the ball. Complete follow-through to balance with chest and belt buckle facing forward.

Challenges and Limitations

While the 10 finger golf grip can provide some benefits, it also comes with some inherent challenges:

Loss of Control

The most common issue is difficulty controlling face angle and path consistency. With so much hand contact on the club, the face can easily close or open, resulting in hooks and slices. Compensating with hand action only worsens inconsistency.

Instead, rely on proper setup alignment, weight shift, and body rotation to deliver the clubface back to impact squarely. Be prepared to put in extra practice time to hone precise mechanics compared to grips like the double overlap which can automatically square the clubface.

Weak Grip

Another problem some golfers encounter is establishing too weak of a grip pressure. Gripping the club too lightly reduces control. Not creating enough palm tension can also cause wavering.

Be sure to find optimal pressure through experience and experimentation. Re-grip periodically to keep handles fresh and tactile. Consider adding a second layer of tape under gripping to build up handle size if necessary.

Mastering the 10 finger golf grip requires patience as you ingrain the proper feel. But with intelligent practice and repetition, your hands and body will adapt to utilize this grip style efficiently. Don’t be afraid to invest time re-learning fundamentals – the results can pay dividends in power, control and consistency.

Best Candidates for the 10 Finger Grip

The 10 finger golf grip offers advantages that make it a great option for certain demographics of players. Based on my experience, here are the categories of golfers who stand to benefit most from adopting this style of grip.


For those just learning the game, using a 10 finger grip can help expedite the learning curve. The simplicity of gripping naturally without precision finger placement allows beginners to bypass frustration.

Rather than wrestling with awkward hand positions, novices can focus on fundamentals like posture, alignment and the overall swing motion. It’s one less variable to worry about while developing a repeatable swing.

The 10 finger also reinforces proper hand structure – avoiding tension and maintaining wrist hinge. By starting out with this grip, beginners can build proper muscle memory faster.

Juniors & Women

Due to generally smaller hand size, many junior golfers and women find it difficult to effectively utilize overlapping or interlocking grips. The 10 finger grip allows for full hand-to-club contact.

With no fingers needing to awkwardly lock together, grip comfort and consistency come easier. Young players and female golfers are able to fully leverage their natural grip strength potential.

The extra control can also help those struggling with clubface manipulation on off-center hits. For maximum progress, work with coaches and fitters to optimize hand placement and grip size.


For older golfers, a 10 finger grip can provide enhanced stability and control while reducing strain on sensitive joints. The even distribution of pressure across the fingers minimizes stress points.

Seniors dealing with arthritis or other hand ailments may find this grip reduces discomfort when swinging a club. The simplicity also requires less precise motor skills and flexibility.

On-course management becomes easier as well, as the 10 finger grip promotes consistent ball-striking even on mishits. More confidence in ball flight helps seniors strategically plot their way around.

Strong Players

The 10 finger golf grip can offer benefits to low handicappers and powerful players looking to maximize distance. The added hand-to-club contact unlocks more potential from a golfer’s existing grip strength.

For those not lacking power, focusing on that added force efficiently is key. Working with a coach to polish mechanics and timing ensures added yardage doesn’t cost accuracy.

Match the 10 finger grip with a club fit to optimize launch conditions. Advanced data analysis can reveal ideal specs to gain yards without sacrificing shot shape or spin control.

While not universally ideal, certain players stand to gain an edge by adopting the 10 finger golf grip. Be realistic about expectations and commit to intelligent practice for long-term improvement.

Transitioning to the 10 Finger Golf Grip

Switching to the 10 finger golf grip from traditional overlapping or interlocking styles takes time and practice. Here are some tips to help make the transition smoothly based on the grip you currently use.

From Overlapping Grip

If making the switch from an overlapping grip, begin by focusing on placing the pinky finger of your trail hand onto the club. Resist the instinct to overlap it as usual.

Make slow, smooth practice swings feeling all 10 fingers contact the grip on the takeaway. You may find the grip feels weaker initially when eliminating the overlapping support.

As you adjust, pay close attention to pressure points across the fingers and palms. Apply even pressure while maintaining enough tension for control. It will take repetition to find the right feel.

From Interlocking Grip

Transitioning from an interlocked conventional grip requires breaking the finger-linking habit. Consciously unlink the fingers and grip naturally with both hands separate.

Without the index/pinky anchor, turning and leverage will feel differently. Put in reps to get used to the new sensations of unimpeded hand movement.

Work on the lightness of grip and smooth acceleration. Many players grip too intensely initially when transitioning to support the free feeling. Avoid over-tightening.

From Baseball Grip

Switching from a baseball-style grip demands a focus on hand placement. Ensure the lead hand rotates correctly through impact, avoiding a ‘weak’ position.

Check palms are perfectly opposed, not offset excessively in either direction. Stripping off the excess hand rotation promotes optimal delivery.

Make quarter-and-half swings first, ensuring clubface control before progressing to full shots. Use impact bags to ingrain solid contact.

Drills and Practice Tips

Committing time on the driving range, putting green, and at home will accelerate your transition to the 10 finger golf grip. Useful practice drills include:

  • Make practice swings before a mirror, visually checking positioning. Have an instructor monitor for feedback.
  • Take half-swings with eyes closed to feel proper sequencing of body and hands.
  • Place the club loosely in the fingers then gradually increase grip pressure to identify ideal tension.
  • Rotate between different grips at the range session to compare feels and results. Mark improvement areas.
  • Use impact bags and exaggerated backswings to develop solid ball-striking fundamentals.
  • Try stacking two grips on clubs to get used to proper width and hand placement.
  • Focus on smooth tempo and transition rather than pure power early on.

Adapting muscle memory and mechanics to the 10 finger golf grip doesn’t happen instantly. But with smart, focused practice and expert input, the benefits can make the effort well worth it.

Alternative Grips to Consider

While the 10 finger golf grip offers advantages for many players, it isn’t ideal for everyone. Here are three other major grip styles to consider if struggling to find comfort and consistency with a 10 finger approach.

Overlapping Grip

The conventional overlapping grip has been used by top pros for generations. It involves the pinky finger of the trail hand sitting atop the index and middle fingers of the lead hand.

This linking together anchors the hands while still allowing the trail thumb to sit on the lead side. The overlap promotes great control and clubface stability.

Players who rely on precise hand-eye coordination tend to excel with an overlapping grip. The finger connection provides a pivot point for manipulating the face with touch shots.

Those seeking to minimize excess hand action in their swing may not find this style suits them best. But for many golfers, overlapping offers ideal levels of support and feel.

Interlocking Grip

As the name implies, the interlocking grip links the index finger of the lead hand with the pinky of the trail hand. This forms a solid anchor point.

Interlocking works well for golfers with large hands or long fingers. It allows the hands to work together while occupying minimal grip space with the overlap.

The connection can restrict wrist hinge slightly. But those needing extra steadying of the clubface will benefit from the added stability.

Players who struggle to generate club speed or consistency may appreciate the structure of an interlocking 10 finger golf grip. Proper hand placement minimizes excess motion.

Reverse Overlap Grip

This unorthodox style positions the lead hand’s pinky finger over the trail hand. Everything else mirrors a traditional overlap.

The purported benefit is reducing tension by eliminating the crossover support of the lead index and middle fingers. This enhances fluidity.

Reverse overlapping is relatively rare but can provide an advantage to certain players. Experimenting with all options helps identify your ideal grip style for optimal performance.

While the standard 10 finger golf grip suits many, be open to alternative hand positions. An overlapping, interlocking or unconventional approach like reverse overlap could take your game to the next level based on your swing mechanics.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored all aspects of utilizing a 10 finger golf grip to improve your game. To recap, here are some key takeaways:

  • The 10 finger grip provides simplicity and power by allowing the full hand to contact the club without finger overlapping or interlocking.
  • Benefits include increased distance, control, and stability for most players who commit to mastering the technique.
  • Pay close attention to proper hand placement, grip pressure, posture and swing motion when adopting this style.
  • Certain players like beginners, juniors, women and seniors often excel with a 10 finger grip suited to their needs.
  • Transition smoothly from another grip by honing fundamentals through repetition and focused training.
  • Be open to personalized fitting, coaching and ongoing practice to ingrain optimal 10 finger mechanics.

For any golfer dissatisfied with their current grip, experimenting with the 10 finger style may provide an advantage. While not a cure-all, the benefits can be substantial for those able to stick with the adjustment period.

Really commit time to intelligent range sessions, lessons, and at-home drills to adapt muscle memory to a 10 finger grip. Production will likely dip initially before seeing improvement as new motor patterns become second nature.

With expert guidance and consistent reps, a 10 finger grip could take your driving distance, iron play, and finesse touch to new heights. Thanks for reading and enjoy the journey of mastering this effective grip style. Your hard work will pay dividends in both skill and enjoyment on the course.

Andrew is a 38 year old golf enthusiast turned instructor from Chicago. For the past 7 years he has offered private golf lessons, helping students refine their skills. Andrew shares his passion for golf through instructional articles for

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